Sunday, February 21, 2010

thesis review numero deuce.

we met at the livingston art building on friday in an effort to be fair to the sculptors and others that have work there. this would have been my day to crit but i had just painted until late thursday night so my work was still wet and not possible to transport. in these new works [not yet my thesis project] i'm starting to experiment with the injection of photography into painting. i discussed the concepts behind the new works i started...2 sets of diptychs where the photo [i'm using actualy prints] in one panel will influence the painting in the other and vice versa. i understand that this might be hard to grasp with my brief articulation but it make plenty of sense in my head and i hope people will understand when the works or finished. here's a brief look at the work i've started in its earliest stages...

the first two photo are going to comprise the first diptych...i believe both panels are 33"x19". the third phot is the second diptych im working's smaller...the panels are each 16"x16". sorry for the delay on the post...i didn't go back to my studio to take the photos until late last night.

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